Green Path Transfers
airport & inter-city transfers
Green and friendly, Green Path Transfers is the global airport and inter-city transfer service from the WHL Group. The company was launched in 2011 and today operates in over 400 destinations globally.
There are a couple of points of difference compared with other transfer providers. First, is coverage. Given the WHL group origins with, we are often providing services in parts of the world where competitors are not represented. The WHL started out with a mission to help small tourism operators in the developing world access global markets and this has allowed us to tap markets others can’t reach.
The second point of difference is our commitment to building a sustainable future for the planet. We have an obligation to reduce our carbon footprint wherever we can and hence we to use low carbon emission vehicles wherever we can. Where we can’t reduce our footprint by using low emission vehicles, we offset 100% of the emissions generated. We also work to try and get our suppliers on a path to reduce their carbon footprint.
Green Path Transfers brochure